Outblast Areas (2024)
IDP per Region (2024)
Ukrine Refugees to Country (2021-2022)
Refugees to Ukraine (2014-2023)
Populated Places (2024)
Features (roads, buildings, etc.) (2024)
Raster (NDVI, NDWI)
Religious Demographics
**History of Country
IDP (2014-2024)
Rural Population (2000-2022)
Cereal Production (2000-2022)
Refugee per month (2023-2024)
FACT: Ukranine's export of grain is continuing despite the war. They have managed to ship grain to varoius parts of tthe world.
Source Image: Unsplashed
Population per region
Regional Areas (2024)
Conflict per Region (9/2023-2024)
Natural Disaster per Region (9/2023-2024)
Natural Disaster per Region (9/2023-2024)
Natural Disaster per region (2019)
Natural Disaster per region (displaced) (2019)
Natural Disaster damage per region (2019)
Disaster Diseases (afftedted, death, type disease) (2019)
Features (roads, buildings, etc.) (2024)
Philippines Refugees to Country (2000-2022)
Refugees to Philippines (2000-2023)
Conflict per location (fatality) (1989-2024)
Religious Demographics
Raster (NDVI/NDWI)
**History of Country
Urban Population (2000-2020)
Earthquake (number of homes)
FACT: The Philippines consist of 7,641 islands and is surrounded by the China, Celebeo, Philippines, and Sulu seas, thus it is prone to many storms each year.
Source Image: Unsplashed
Population per Region (2023)
Populated Places (2024)
Somalia Refugees to Yemen Regions (2000-2022)
IDP Site (camps) per District (2023)
Refugee per Region (2022)
Retunees per Region (2022)
Flooding per Region (2018-2023)
Drooght per Region (2018-2023)
Conflict per Region (2018-2023)
Food Security per Region (2022)
Nutriton per Region (2022)
Water Need per Region (2022)
Total PIN (2022)
Protecton Needs (2022)
Populated Places (2024)
**History of Country
PIN per Region & Severity (2023)
Features (roads, buildings, etc.) (2024)
Religious Demographics
Raster (NDWI, NDVI)
Somalia Total Displaced to Country (2014-2023)
Somalia Seeker to Countries (2014-2023)
Conflict per location (fatality) (1989-2024)
Somalia (ref. returnees, IDP returns) per year (2000-22)
Urban Population (2000-2020)
Rural Population (2000-2022)
FACT: Somalia's mid-arid and drought prone terrain causes less than 2% of the cultivation of agricultural land, thus continued humanitarian neeed.
Source Image: Unsplashed
Populated Places (2024)
Rural Population (2000-2023)
Displaced (weather)(2000-2020)
Features (roads, buildings, etc.) (2024)
Raster (NDWI, NDVI)
Religiousl Demographics
Refugees to Spain (2000-2020)
Urban Population (2000-2020)
FACT: This is the magnificent coastland of Spain. Many travel by sea to escape persecution, famine, or to seek better livilihood to reach these shores.
Source Image: Unsplashed
Populatoin per Region (2024)
Populated Places (2024)
Somalia to Yemen (2010-2023)
Refugee per Region (9/2022)
Returnee per Region (9/2022)
Migrants per Region (9/2022)
Flooding per Region (2023-2024)
Conflict per Region (2023-2024)
Storm per Region (2023-2024)
Yemen Regions Area (2024)
Aggregated Camp Location per Region (2024)
Aggregated Camp Location Site Type (2024)
Cholera Deaths per Region (2018)
Cholera Affected (2018)
Food Security per Region (2024)
Nutrition per Region (2024)
Yemen to Country (2014-2023)
Yemen Total Displaced to Country (2014-2023)
Urban Population (2000-2020)
Conflict per location (fatality) (1989-2024)
Country Refugees to Yemen (2000-2023)
Water Need per Region (2024)
Education Need per Region (2024)
Features (roads, buildings, etc.) (2024)
Raster (NDWI, NDVI)
Religious Demographics
**History of Country
FACT: The Houthi militants have ravaged the Red Sea with strikes toward vessels, and has caused a decreased shipment flow. Seaports receive shipment of humanitarian goods, thus these actions will indirectly effect those displaced, in Yemen.
Source Image: Unsplashed
Population (2024)
Governance/Region Areas (2024)
*Displaced (IDP, shelters) (10/2023-2024)
Flooding per governance (displaced)(2022)
Features (roads, buildings, ext.) (2024)
**History of Country
FACT: The war in Gaza continues as Israel searches for the Palestinian-Hamas militants. Many Palestians are displaced in the southern area of Gaza.
Source Image: Unsplashed
NOTE: Natural Disaster (tropical storms, earthquakes), Gaza displaced include indivisually middle, Khan Younis, N. Gaza and Rafah.
The data available is indicated by the dates in parenthesis.
The data with multiply numbered years can be a specifc year or a combination ot those years.
**Any aspect of the history of any particular country such as establishment of a country, population, conflict, humanitarian aid, weather, etc.